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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What's up Doc?

Gardening is one of my favorite hobbies, along with yoga and surfing, all of which are not only good for the body, but more importantly the mind as well.

Today, I decided, was the day to pull some carrots, we will eat them for dinner. I have to admit I have never grown carrots before but these seemed to grow themselves, I am quite pleased with them. I wasn't sure when they would be ready so I have been pulling them periodically. They very rarely make it inside, I usually brush them off and eat them while still in the garden. They are tender and sweet, there is just nothing like food you have grown yourself. I encourage you all to try and grow something today, just ask for any advice or tips and I will do my best to help you out. I am a self proclaimed reformed black thumb, if I can do it anyone can. Enjoy the pictures and we will enjoy the carrots.

Pillaged carrots........Bibb lettuce..............Mystery plants that sprang up out of my compost

Row of bush beans.........................Cauliflower.....................Mesclun mix

New avocado tree

Friday, January 22, 2010

Spring Cleaning

Yes, I did it. The recent cold snap here in S. Florida forced me indoors and when I took a good look around I realized the dire straits we were in. The house is dirty, again. So yes, I did it, I cleaned, yech. I really dislike cleaning but I have vowed, now, to keep the house from such disarray again. I degreased, decluttered, and, defunked my kitchen this past week. And I would now love to share some wonderfully interesting tips concerning the mysterious power of vinegar.

5 Amazing things Vinegar can accomplish:

  • Vinegar can easily be wiped on almost any surface. No need for ventilation as you use it safely to wipe away mildew.

  • When your coffee begins to taste weak and bitter, it's time to clean your coffeemaker. Pour 2 cups white vinegar and 1 cup water into the water chamber, run through a complete brew cycle with filter in. Change filter and run through with water 2 more times, changing the filter each time. If you need to remove lime and mineral deposits from your tea kettle, place 3 cups full strength white vinegar , boil for a full 5 minutes. Leave vinegar overnight, next morning rinse kettle with cold water.

  • Vinegar cuts grease. Clean grease splatter from stovetop, range hood, and countertop by washing with a sponge and undiluted vinegar. boil 2 cups vinegar in a frying pan for 10 minutes, no food will stick for several months. Keep grease buildup in oven at bay, wipe with rag soaked in full strength vinegar once a week.

  • When you go to wash your produce use 4 tablespoons apple cider vinegar dissolved in 1 gallon cold water, place in spray bottle and spritz produce to clean.

  • Clean your washing machine. When soap scum builds up heavily use hot water and 2 gallons of vinegar, let agitator run 8-10 minutes, turn off washer and allow solution to sit overnight, empty basin in the morning and run through a full cycle to rinse. To prevent heavy buildup run through a full cycle with 2 cups of vinegar once in a while.


adding 1 cup of vinegar to a load of laundry will:

  • kill off bacteria. all you new parents who use cloth diapers, this will help keep your baby's bottom fresh.

  • clothes will be soft and smell fresh, no fabric softener needed.

  • brighten a small load of whites.

  • keeps clothes lint and static free.

  • if you add to the last rinse, it will set the color in newly dyed fabrics.

Embrace the power (and smell) of vinegar, it has helped to keep our home feeling clean.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Patience is a virtue. I am asking you to please be patient a bit longer. I have a winter break from school coming up, and have vowed to spend some time posting here on this blog of mine.

While you are waiting here is something beautiful to take your mind off of whatever it is that's ailing you.....................

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Tom Robbins

Tom Robbins is one of my very favorite authors. (thanks big brother) Here is a passage from Wild Ducks Flying Backwards The Short Writings of Tom Robbins:
Rivers are the true highways of life. They transport the ancient tears of disappeared races, they propel the foams that will impregnate the millenium. In flood or in sullen repose, the river's power cannot be overestimated, and only men modernized to the point of moronity will be surprised when rivers eventually take their revenge on those who dam and defile them. River gods, some muddy, others transparent, ride those highways, singing the world's inexhaustible song.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Holy Plastic!

Who says kids these days aren't smart and motivated.
Check out this article I stumbled upon.
(at least in my eyes)
It seems like such an easy concept
now that someone else has thought it up.
Hopefully this kid continues with such great work.
We are in desperate times, and in need of more innovative young thinkers like him.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Two birds with one stone

The following is my final writing assignment, besides my final exam, for my current English class. As I was writing it I chuckled to myself as it pertains to the video : The Story of Stuff by Annie Leonard that I had been thinking on earlier in the week. I am not sure if I have already endorsed this video in this blog, but even if I did it's worth a second mention. Enjoy the video, criticize the writing, and have a great week.

(sorry about the crazy alignment, I hope it's readable, I copied it from my Word program)

War Zone

We are in a war, and most of us are blissfully unaware of it. Every day we are

bombarded by images, slogans, and propaganda convincing us that we are in a great and

dire need for some product. We are constantly barraged by marketing techniques, so

much so, that we do not even notice it anymore.

My first experience with this battle came when I was eleven years old. My mother

and I went shopping for new bathing suits. I found a bright red one piece with the cursive

curly script of Coca-Cola running all through it. I loved it; it appealed to all of my

senses. My mother, thinking nothing of it, bought it for me. I wore that bathing suit

proudly for about three weeks. Then, one summer day, we were going swimming. We

had to make a stop at my grandparent’s house first. I proudly flounced in, in my red

Coca-Cola bathing suit covered only by a pair of cut-off jean shorts. My grandfather

took one look at me, and then promptly chastised my mother for allowing me to be a free

walking billboard. I barely understood what he was talking about, but I clearly remember

not liking my bathing suit after that.

That scene from my childhood has stuck with me. Every time I make a clothing

purchase, I am extremely conscientious of where and how the logo appears. It seems that

these days you can not get away from this branding of advertisers. They “stamp” us with

their logos, and then we in turn judge, label, and congregate with people according to

these labels. We have yet to realize that the values we share with someone should matter,

not the brands we choose to buy.

Marketers have a moral obligation to stray away from propaganda techniques.

Ann McClintock states in an essay she wrote, that, “Propaganda is not necessarily

concerned with what is true or false, good or bad. Propagandists simply want people to

believe the messages being sent” (270). McClintock goes on to share a study which

found that five hundred advertising claims barrage each of us during an average

day(271). If we have five hundred messages battling our senses everyday there should be

truth in them. Advertisers are subtly lying to us, manipulating our senses for their own

greed; the sad part is we are letting them. In the first paragraph of McClintock’s essay

she speaks of the brainwashing that marketers use to bomb us with images. She also

states that even those of us that know better, that know what is going on, allow these

messages to permeate our subconscious (270). Why would we do this? “They work

because they appeal to our emotions, not to our minds” (275), McClintock explains.

We, adults, should know better. We are educated, informed, and can rationally

make, or not make, our own decisions. However, children do not have all the tools yet to

make their own prudent decisions. Marketers have latched on to a new target group, even

coming up with their own name for these individuals, tweens (Hymowitz 203). Kay

Hymowitz asserts that, these are children between the ages of eight to twelve who are

“leaning more and more toward teen styles, teen attitudes, and, sadly, teen behavior at its

most troubling” (203). Instead of projecting clean, innocent fun at these children,

advertisers are capitalizing on their desire to look and act older. Hymowitz declares,

marketers have found in their research, “that by the time they are twelve, children

describe themselves as flirtatious, sexy, trendy, athletic, and cool. . . scorning any

symbols of their immaturity” (203).

These advertisers have a choice. They can target their ads to these children, and

teach them morals and values accepted by society. Or, they can continue to exploit these

tweens’ confusion of themselves, and drive them to want more of the advertiser’s

products in order to achieve the “cooldom” that the tweens are longing for.

Unfortunately, the marketer’s decision for exploitation harms these children more

than they understand. Hymowitz goes on to explain that younger children are having

more adult problems; one of these is eating disorders. She determined that this stems

from a “pre-mature fashion-consciousness” (205). Their young, confused minds, in order

to fit in and be cool, are harming their bodies to meet the standard for normal the media

and marketers portray. Hymowitz contends that due to parents not being around as much,

and a “sexualized and media-driven marketplace,” parental influence is lessening. This

makes these tweens susceptible and defenseless to peer pressure in order to conform


Marketers and advertisers could alleviate these problems with clear cut guidelines

towards advertising to children. The problem with this is there are no clear cut child and

adult worlds anymore. Our children are exposed to everything. I challenge you to watch a

recent, media-hyped, blockbuster movie meant as family entertainment, and not find very

adult hidden references hidden throughout it. Marketers place these barbs in family

movies so parents will want to take their children; so everyone will have a good time.

The problem is the more intuitive children pick up on them. These children, striving to be

more adult-like, then carry these ideas to school and inflict them upon other children.

Now these children who are inflicted upon feel the pressure to grow up and fit in,

completing a very vicious circle.

The real solution to these issues would simply be the truth. If companies would

spend their money on creating a better product they would not need to invest billions of

dollars in the corrupt advertising sect; their product would speak for itself. Instead of

trying to manipulate the general public with their invasive tactics and evasive maneuvers,

try to bombard us with something worth buying. Unfortunately, too many companies feel

that if they create a superior product they would lose money. In fact, what these

companies fail to realize is, in creating something of worth, they would garner a loyal fan


We, adults also, need to create our own solutions. We need to stop allowing

propagandists from taking advantage of our lazy selves. We have to research the claims

brought on by advertisers, and not allow them to make our decisions. “Otherwise, we

have consented to handing over to others our independence of thought and action” (275),

as McClintock so aptly put it. That will be construed as a victory for the other side.

Works Cited

Hymowitz, Kay S. “Tweens: Ten Going on Sixteen.” The Longman Reader 8th ed. Eds.
Judith Nadell, John Langan, and Eliza A. Comodromos. New York: Pearson/Longman, 2007: 202-206

McClintock, Ann. “Propaganda Techniques in Today’s Advertising.” The Longman
Reader 8th ed. Eds. Judith Nadell, John Langan, and Eliza A. Comodromos. New York: Pearson/Longman, 2007: 270-275

Saturday, May 30, 2009

A rant in A minor

"Being green" is more than a fad, more than a philosophy, and more than a way of life. It should be, just the way we are. We as a society have come so far from our origins, we don't even recognize them anymore.

I have to admit up front, I don't know much about Indian tribes, but I find myself, more and more, wanting to know. From what I understand they lived and breathed green. Most tribes waged no wars, unless for defense. They worshipped Mother Nature; they took no more then they needed, and they used every bit of what they took. They gave back to the Earth what they recieved from it, and in this way sustained themselves.

My husband and I were having a chat this morning about our new generation. Our kids believe that money is never scarce, when something breaks you buy a new one, and there is no need to take care of anything, because there is always something newer and shinier around the corner. It's ridiculous. Why are we, as parents, not teaching them to value things. Some of us do, but not nearly enough of us. In this day and age, and what we know about the environment we are destroying, it would seem to reason that we parents would pick up the slack. We would be adamant about setting good examples for our kids. If we teach them to sustain their world, then they won't have to teach their children to sustain it. It will become ingrained, a way of life.

Come on parents, rally together! Teach your kids the value of a dollar, teach them newer is not always better. Show them how to make use of things they would otherwise throw out. RECYCLE! COMPOST! It's not that hard. Use every bit of everything you buy, think about the things you NEED to have. What examples are we setting for our kids? From what I've seen of the majority, not good ones. Prove me wrong.