Yes, I did it. The recent cold snap here in S. Florida forced me indoors and when I took a good look around I realized the dire straits we were in. The house is dirty, again. So yes, I did it, I cleaned, yech. I really dislike cleaning but I have vowed, now, to keep the house from such disarray again. I degreased, decluttered, and, defunked my kitchen this past week. And I would now love to share some wonderfully interesting tips concerning the mysterious power of vinegar.
5 Amazing things Vinegar can accomplish:
Vinegar can easily be wiped on almost any surface. No need for ventilation as you use it safely to wipe away mildew.
When your coffee begins to taste weak and bitter, it's time to clean your coffeemaker. Pour 2 cups white vinegar and 1 cup water into the water chamber, run through a complete brew cycle with filter in. Change filter and run through with water 2 more times, changing the filter each time. If you need to remove lime and mineral deposits from your tea kettle, place 3 cups full strength white vinegar , boil for a full 5 minutes. Leave vinegar overnight, next morning rinse kettle with cold water.
Vinegar cuts grease. Clean grease splatter from stovetop, range hood, and countertop by washing with a sponge and undiluted vinegar. boil 2 cups vinegar in a frying pan for 10 minutes, no food will stick for several months. Keep grease buildup in oven at bay, wipe with rag soaked in full strength vinegar once a week.
When you go to wash your produce use 4 tablespoons apple cider vinegar dissolved in 1 gallon cold water, place in spray bottle and spritz produce to clean.
Clean your washing machine. When soap scum builds up heavily use hot water and 2 gallons of vinegar, let agitator run 8-10 minutes, turn off washer and allow solution to sit overnight, empty basin in the morning and run through a full cycle to rinse. To prevent heavy buildup run through a full cycle with 2 cups of vinegar once in a while.
adding 1 cup of vinegar to a load of laundry will:
kill off bacteria. all you new parents who use cloth diapers, this will help keep your baby's bottom fresh.
clothes will be soft and smell fresh, no fabric softener needed.
brighten a small load of whites.
keeps clothes lint and static free.
if you add to the last rinse, it will set the color in newly dyed fabrics.
Embrace the power (and smell) of vinegar, it has helped to keep our home feeling clean.