Gardening is one of my favorite hobbies, along with yoga and surfing, all of which are not only good for the body, but more importantly the mind as well.
Today, I decided, was the day to pull some carrots, we will eat them for dinner. I have to admit I have never grown carrots before but these seemed to grow themselves, I am quite pleased with them. I wasn't sure when they would be ready so I have been pulling them periodically. They very rarely make it inside, I usually brush them off and eat them while still in the garden. They are tender and sweet, there is just nothing like food you have grown yourself. I encourage you all to try and grow something today, just ask for any advice or tips and I will do my best to help you out. I am a self proclaimed reformed black thumb, if I can do it anyone can. Enjoy the pictures and we will enjoy the carrots.
Pillaged carrots........Bibb lettuce..............Mystery plants that sprang up out of my compost
Row of bush beans.........................Cauliflower.....................Mesclun mix
New avocado tree