National Arbor Day will soon be here, April 24th. Visit to see how you might celebrate, what types of trees to plant, and how to care for them once you do. Arbor Day was established by J. Sterling Morton, National Arbor Day was established on the last Friday of April, in observance of his birthday, although some states observe Arbor Day seperately, to coincide with the best time of year for planting.
Planting trees is an especially important habit, soil erosion is one of the things damaging our lands and contributing to environmental problems. When soil erodes, the top layer of the soil is destroyed, either by washing away entirely or through tillage. The top layer of soil is termed "the cream of the soil" which carries the best nutrients. When the soil is tilled for farming it thins down the nutrients of this top layer, resulting in an impoverished soil and crops. Always rotate your crops to keep the soil from becoming exhausted of its nutrients. Also when the soil is washed away by water it carries with it agricultural pollutants, creates "sedimentation in watercourses and dams, disruption of the ecosystems of lakes, and contamination of drinking water." Trees and plant life naturally keep soil from eroding, the soil stays entangled in the roots.
So this Arbor Day gather your friends, family, and neighbors and host a small party of your own. Plant trees in your backyard, teach the kids about the important role nature plays in our lives, and have fun doing it. Encourage your community leaders to strive for the prestigous award the Arbor Day foundation gives, Tree City USA . Not only can you enjoy a healthier life because of trees and plants, but it become a more beautiful one too.
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